The examined life.
Truth Over Strategy.
Answering the creative call.
Hi there.
This is where I write what’s on my mind and in my heart — stories, observations, creative expression, and wherever my thougths take me. (I don’t get business-y. If you’re looking for the marketing side of me, you’ll have better luck here.)
I’m writing in service to the examined life, Truth Over Strategy, and answering the creative call. If you like those things, stick around.
Read. Linger. Connect.
I use words to express myself, but the label, ‘writer’ doesn’t feel right.
I prefer Storyteller.
I write what’s on my mind and in my heart.
If you’ve ever…
Dreamed, What if…
Asked, Is this all there is?
Thought, I’m not the creative type.
Wondered, What would happen if I didn’t have all the answers (in bulleted list form, thank you).
Longed, To be seen for You instead of the role you’re playing for others.
Then you’re my kinda people.
All this writing? It’s really about figuring out the journey I call “From Type-A Posterchild to Creative.” You might say writing and storytelling are my road. Umm, scratch that. There is no road. I’m paving it as I go.
You’re invited to come along. But you should know that part of answering the creative call is regularly doing things that are well outside my introvert comfort zone, like posting my first ever selfie on Instagram (2018) and publishing my personal writing (2016), and storytelling on stage with live humans in the audience (2019).
Austin has been home since 1995, except for that year-long vacation to England in 2002. Before Texas, I kept my toothbrush in Atlanta, Kentucky, and Louisiana.
I am a perpetual learner (some might say nerd). I devour books, case studies, great speeches, interviews, documentaries, etc. Marketing, business, biographies and gardening are a few of my favorite subjects, but there’s no predicting what I might be listening to, watching or reading.
My soul place is…where the water meets the trees.
I’m a fruits, veggies, grass-fed beef, support local farmers, don’t buy processed foods kinda gal and one of my favorite meals is Frito Pie with jalapenos, washed down with a tall Coke (regular, not diet!).
Gardening is my therapy. With my hands in the dirt, I lose track of time, my mind relaxes and my body keeps going long after my muscles are tired.
A few years ago I ripped out my beloved veggie garden and installed a pocket wildflower meadow. My nature-loving heart is in deep, deep love with the results.
I rarely drink, but a well-crafted Caipirinha is irresistible.
I refuse to pick a favorite book, but I tote around Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield like it’s life’s instruction manual.
My ultimate life goal is to take a tract of over-worked land and restore it to its original habitat. When my body leaves this plane, I’d like people to whisper, “She was a fine mother, a loyal friend, and a good steward of the land.”
The significance and ultimately the quality of the work we do is determined by our understanding of the story in which we are taking part.
— Wendell Berry